
Ensuring equitable access to care amidst economic turmoil: Hear NABIP CEO Jessica Woods Brooks on what benefit advisors can do to help clients cope
Most employers expect health plan costs to increase heading into 2024, and this isn't a new trend. Still, it's gotten to a point where it's stretching employers and employees financially so much that many seek ideas beyond the traditional strategies.

How Transparency and the Election will Impact Healthcare Access & Affordability in 2024 with CIAB President Joel Wood
On the heels of the CIAB’s recent conference, our podcast hosts sat down with Joel Wood of The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. Joel expands on his vantage point around affordability and access to care, which he discussed in his keynote address at the EBLF conference in Colorado Springs, CO.

How Employers Are Using HPAs to Drive Retention and DEI Outcomes With Chris Labrecque
Chris Labrecque has a gift for listening, building trust, and coming alongside benefit consultants and brokers to help them create meaningful value for their clients. We’re honored to be able to experience this firsthand through our chat on the podcast and our daily work with him.

Supporting Parents Returning from Leave with Lori Mihalich-Levin of Mindful Return
Coming back to work after having a baby can feel like returning to a world that has stayed the same while yours has changed massively. While the disruption is real, parents ultimately develop the character traits and skills that make outstanding leaders.As a lawyer, mom, author, and entrepreneur, Lori Mihalich-Levin, Esq. created Mindful Return to better support new parents as they return to work.